  Ben McInnes is the sole Director of Brushtop Farm Pty Ltd, with Bob & Sheila now retired from the flower growing business.Ben has been in the wild-flower business from the start of 1993 when he left a degree in applied (environmental) science to work on the farm in a joint venture with Harris Park. With Bob Harris also now retired, Ben has bought the flower processing & export business from Bob's son Mick who is now operating a successful scuba-diving shop in Shellharbour. Ben is married to Tania and now has 2 beautiful red-haired daughters - Pippi and Coral.He uses seasonal workers to assist with the flower harvesting and processing, as he's now too old to work 90 hour weeks and has cut back to just 75 hours a week in the peak harvest period this past season, so that he can see his girls occasionally. Ben is now using the knowledge from his lifetime interest in all things environmental, to take the farm, and hopefully other export clients, in a more sustainable direction. He recently completed a further certificate in sustainable agriculture with nutri-tech solutions, and highly recommends their course to other growers.www.nutri-tech.com.au/blog/course-dates/ Ben is also a licenced fumigator, so that he can remove any remaining insects from the flowers prior to quarantine inspections in a controlled, sealed environment, rather than disrupt the ecological balance of predator/prey insects in the plantation. Ben is an active member and vice-chair on the board of WildFlowers Australia, the industry body for participants in the wild-flower supply chain. Membership worthwhile!www.wildflowersaustralia.com.au